Friday, June 20, 2008

Blues in Harlem

Because I am an uptown girl (no, Billy, thank YOU) and not a downtown girl, I get my jazz n' blues in Harlem. We had been frequenting places on the West side - Smoke and Cleopatras. these places are mostly full of white people, which is okay.

Today we rolled over to check out the Lenox lounge in Harlem (Lenox @125th). It was not full of white people. There weren't many people at all, actually, perhaps because it was an early set ??? I don't know; we never go to the early sets. Those are for people who get up before noon.

Tonight was not jazz, but blues. Good ole Chicago blues. And silly blues, too, because man, you may as well have a good time. What impressed me was how chill it was. Most of New York is so crowded and hurried, everyone packed in like sardines, always rushing, and there's a continuous looming cloud of the extraordinary expenses, the weight of competition. But this was just some good music, some good food, some drinks, and a bunch of people grooving.

Purportedly there's a cover (there wasn't) and a minimum, but apparently that's only for Fridays and Saturdays. The food is soul, and it was fine, fine, fine. I tried hard to eat all of it, but thee was a lot and I couldn't make it. It was pretty oily too; perhaps not too much, but I usually eat nuts and leaves and twigs like a monkey.

Tomorrow I have a emergency outbreak training thingamajiggy and then My Very First Trapeze Lesson at the trapeze school of new york. Woot!!

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